Rethinking expropration law I: public interest in | Ruby
Rethinking expropration law I: public interest in
Rethinking expropration law I: public interest in

Rethinking expropration law I: public interest in

€ 89.99 € 111.99 - 19.64%
Ean: 9789462366312
Condition: New
Rethinking expropration law I: public interest in expropriation
rethinking public interest expropration expropriation

Rethinking expropration law I: public interest in expropriation

Rethinking expropration law I: public interest in expropriation

This book is the first of a series in which experts engage critically with identified aspects of expropriation law. The internationally diverse group of contributing authors offer valuable insight into the treatment of public purpose/interest related issues as they are canvassed in jurisdictions around the world. Some of these include: - the public purpose/interest requirement and the definition of the object of expropriation; - the role of public purpose/interest in distinguishing between expropriation and regulation of property; - public interest and the classification of expropriatory actions as administrative, statutory or constructive; - categorising of the notions of public interest and public purpose; justifiability of expropriation without compensation; - consequences of a change in purpose after expropriation has been effected; - whether an expropriation can be challenged on the basis that less invasive means were available for the state to realise the specific purpose; - whether the public interest could legitimately entail transfer of expropriated property to a party other than the state.

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Rethinking expropration law I: public interest in expropriation

This book is the first of a series in which experts engage critically with identified aspects of expropriation law. The internationally diverse group of contributing authors offer valuable insight into the treatment of public purpose/interest related issues as they are canvassed in jurisdictions around the world. Some of these include: <br />- the public purpose/interest requirement and the definition of the object of expropriation;<br />- the role of public purpose/interest in distinguishing between expropriation and regulation of property;<br />- public interest and the classification of expropriatory actions as administrative, statutory or constructive;<br />- categorising of the notions of public interest and public purpose;<br />justifiability of expropriation without compensation;<br />- consequences of a change in purpose after expropriation has been effected;<br />- whether an expropriation can be challenged on the basis that less invasive means were available for the state to realise the specific purpose;<br />- whether the public interest could legitimately entail transfer of expropriated property to a party other than the state.

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